January 13th, 2003 (Post #18)

January 13, 2003
RovErica asked me while I was doing my duty of delivering her “taxi style” to another of her activities, “so, do you have any work to on the Rover?”

What a question. I knew I only had 5 minutes to tell her an answer before she got out
of the truck so I gave her a short list. To which she asked, “was any of that under the hood?”
Yes and told her which of the things would be under the hood. On the way home that got me thinking, that there is a lot to do on the Rover and I’m not doing any of it. You probably have a list of want-to-dos, have-to-dos, and should-dos, too. I encourage you to write it down and then let it eat a whole in you as you continue to ignore the work you have just made for yourself.
What follows is a list of the things I know about and should start work on when the days and funds allow.

In no particular order.

  • Cooling Problem.
  • The cooling problem only raises it’s ugly head during the summer months in Oklahoma. I have done some work on this the last two years but have not found the problem yet.

  • Power Steering Leak, Part Duex
  • I had a hose fail in the past. Now I have another leak but it has been too cold to find it.

  • Broken fog lamp
  • The Big White Bus was driven by my daughter and the next day I had a broken lamp. Coincidence?

  • Trouble Light
  • Want to add a trouble light I got off a 1995 GMC truck under my hood.

  • Driver’s Seat
  • Heater never worked. A warm butt is a happy butt. Memory switches quit working. No biggy but annoying.

  • Air Conditioning Compressor
  • Has a leak. Actually the entire seal around the compressor is showing the tell tale green
    ooze we put in to find the leak. Probably a new compressor sometime next year.

  • Suspension
  • I know I should replace the shocks and the bushings. Ryan has suggested new springs too.

  • Exhaust.
  • The exhaust is in bad shape. I forgot to include this on the list with the rest last week.

  • Mysterious leak
  • There is a mysterious leak that wets the carpet up front during the rainy months. Windshield is probably the culprit. I need to have it pulled and resealed.

    So if you were wondering if you were the only one with a naggy list of Rover To-Dos, wonder no more you are among friends.

    October 4th, 2002 (Post #6)

    October 4, 2002
    One of my fog lamps has a broken bracket. I noticed it just siting in the cowling not attached. I cut it loose and will have to get a new bracket to hold it in the cowling. I am going to get new head lights too. The stock lamps that are there now are terrible. My Hella 500s are awesome and when you compare the great light they cast and the light from the head lamps there is much room for improvement. I may try to get my Germany connection to send me some Hella Vision Plus head lamps. They are usually quite a bit less than the catalog prices.

    I had a great discussion with The Ditchfinder about brake fluid yesterday. He said it should be changed every two years. I have never in my life changed brake fluid in any car or truck. My dad had some great rules to life when he was alive. “If it works don’t fix it.”, is one I know many of you have heard. My brakes work, but I know my truck with 116k miles has never had fresh brake fluid. So I may have him come over for some Pernod and have him help me change the fluid. He claims it is a 20 minute two man job. We shall see.