The Hierarchy of Camping (Post #483) 4/17/2014

I was reading the Semi-Rad Blog and saw a really great post on camping.

The Hierarchy of Camping

When Mr. Fisher and I were packing for our recent trip to S.C.A.R.R. 2014 I had genuine concerns about how much gear we were packing. In my humble opinion we had a lot of camping gear. All of it was designed to make our trip comfortable. For me this smacks of glamping but before you throw us under the Range Rover let me explain.

Continue reading “The Hierarchy of Camping (Post #483) 4/17/2014”

America Explained in One Minute (Post #482) 4/16/2014

I was reading the Just A Car Guy Blog (btw, you should too) and caught his post. The first video you are about to see is a brief explanation of America. Actor Neal McDonough explains why we are driven. The video is ultimately an advert for the new Cadillac ELR, a car I will never own nor probably ride in. The second is Ford’s “sustainable” response. Another car I will never own.

There are a couple of great lines in there. Enjoy. Video has been removed….damn.

Ford’s reply.

All this has me thinking I should make a Land Rover version…maybe I will.

Thanks for reading and Happy Rovering, N’est-ce pas?

SCARR – Day Three (Post #479) 4/6/2014

Day Three came with the sun shining and the air a bit on the chilly side. As soon as the sun came up it warmed up nicely. Our plan for the morning was to run some trails.


I got dressed in my Rover Cannibal shirt and cooked up some breakfast. We knocked down breakfast and went up to the main pavilion to meet the other drivers.


I found the other drivers very ready and after learning Jacob Dearborn drew the beginner group. Jake as he was called was very nice young man and had a course sorted out. We fell in behind a great couple named Max and Diane and their Series. They had owned it for twenty years if I remembered that correctly. We got the CBs set and off went. Continue reading “SCARR – Day Three (Post #479) 4/6/2014”

SCARR – Day Two (Post #478) 4/3/2014

Day Two began with the sun coming up. It was chilly but not crazy cold. I got up and started breakfast for Mr. Fisher and I. Eggs and turkey sausage (fat old guys have to watch their weight), and biscuits. I forgot all about the hash browns. The stove worked great after I got it up to pressure. I heated the biscuits right on the second burner. The honey-butter we bought was delicious.

The first day’s events had a Bill Burke lecture and trail rides. I really wanted to hear Bill Burke so we went straight for the main pavilion and sat in on his class. I could listen to him for days and probably not learn everything I would like to know.

It was really cool that he knew who I was through my posts on and on his Facebook page.

If you don’t know who Bill Burke is check him out. In short he is the foremost expert on vehicle recovery in the United States. I don’t think I understated that. He started in the Army as a vehicle recovery specialist, went on to participate in the legendary Camel Trophy Series in 1991. Continue reading “SCARR – Day Two (Post #478) 4/3/2014”

Happy Pi Day (Post #464) 3/14/2014

Posted at 3/14 15:55 or 3.1415926


Without π we would have to calculate the circumference of our wheels and tires and the cubic inches of our motors with some other more primitive method.

Happy Pi Day Everyone.







Thanks for reading and Happy Rovering

Mmmmm pie.