RovErica Got Married (Post #516) 10/28/2014


The good people at Lucky 8 are always asking, “”What did you do Roverish today?” Well this weekend I didn’t do anything “Roverish”. I did however watch my little RovErica get married to Brian Trowman. Brian is 6’4″ a former Ball State offensive lineman and Erica is wearing 4 inch heals so I guess she isn’t my little RovErica any more.

Yes the little girl you have watched grow up on this blog is now all grown up and married. If it is a surprise to you, imagine how I feel.


She was the first kid in the family to say she loved our Land Rovers. She even drove the BWB for 2 years while in high school. While she was hard on the old bus she could break her more than I could fix her.

If you haven’t priced a wedding lately take my word for it they are expensive. So it will be a while before I do very much with the Land Rover. It might be a while before I do anything “Roverish”. We had a lovely wedding and it was a truly great time with friends and family.

The good news, Brian, our new son-in-law, is a car guy and hopefully will soon be working as a manager for a tire shoppe! Yes!

Welcome to the family Brian.

Thanks for reading and Happy Rovering.