Okierover Logo Refresh (Post #496) 5/22/2014


Wow! Doesn’t that look great? I am chuffed to bits over it. It may surprise you but photoshop is not one of the things I’m good at. I put together the old Okierover logo more than ten years ago using Paintshop Pro.

My good friend Richard Mullins did it for me. Rich and I’s friendship goes way back. He is one of those friends that you knew were cool just being around him. We went to high school and the same university and worked together at T.G.&Y. Back in the day he was a pretty good racketball player too. One of my most cherished memories is of Rich and I hanging around at my house. We were trying to take “cool pictures”. So Rich grabs the phone and says, “Take a picture of me talking on the phone.” I still have the picture.

Newcastle Oklahoma Summer 1983
Newcastle Oklahoma Summer 1983

As you can tell the 1980’s were in full bloom in this picture. Rick Ocasek (The Cars) haircut, check. Racing check sleeve-less shirt with graphic, check. That might even be a “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” shirt. Phone attached to wall, check.

Rich always had the latest music videos on VHS. We lived in rural Oklahoma and music videos were only shown on a late night show. This was back when MTV actually showed music videos all day, everyday. If you wanted to watch videos and you didn’t have cable TV you had to record them. He was always a fixture at our parties. He was the first person I knew that knew what he wanted to do with his life that wasn’t trying to be a doctor of some sort or other.

There are two future doctors in this photo and three more inside the apartment.
There are two future doctors in this photo and three more inside the apartment.
Yes, those are umbrella’s in our beer cups.

Rich wanted to be an artist and that’s what he became. He’s doing it professionally and has a very unique expressionist style.

He was the first person I thought of when I thought of redesigning my website and getting my logo refreshed. The results are, as you have seen above, stunning. Way more than I expected.

Go over to Rich’s site RICHARDMULLINS.COM and check out his paintings. you might even see something you like.

Thanks again Rich, you are totally awesome for sure.

Thanks for reading and Happy Rovering.

Switching to WordPress (Post #438) 1/27/2014

Making some changes.

Bare with me as I move my site to WordPress. Blogger won’t allow me to advertise and I’ve asked nicely twice. So, I’m out. I’ve moved everything over and am in the process of getting everything set up.

Update: I think I have everything all setup. I’d love to hear from you about the new layout.

Thanks for your patience and Happy Rovering.