More Bears? (Post #578) 5/9/2018


When did bears become a thing in the first place?

Actually I’ve known the bears were back for a few years. We were down in southeast Oklahoma around 10 years ago and all the trails had bear warnings.

These aren’t grizzly bears, they aren’t even brown bears, they are black bears. Think of them as smaller man-sized bears that, like there ferocious cousins, will kill you if you are stupid. Imagine the scene from The Revenent but the bear is smaller.

When in bear country, read that as Oklahoma and Arkansas, you should always take bear precautions. As always keep your food up high, make plenty of noise when hiking trails.

Apparently there are many misconceptions about bears. Some people think taking a selfie is a great idea. There was a recent news story about a bear enthusiast who was killed along with his girlfriend while trying to take a selfie with a grizzly bear. I call that natural selection at work. It’s just dumb.

In the unlikely event a bear charges to attack, you should aggressively fight back against the bear, according to the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Do not attempt to “play dead” during a black bear attack, the agency says.

Good to know. I’m pretty sure after fighting a bear for 5 to 15 minutes I might appear to be “playing dead” but trust me I’m laying down because I’m out of shape and need a rest. I may have also run out of bullets. Maybe I will give a class on defending yourself from a bear attack by fighting like a rabid ninja turtle.

That quote from above is from KFOR who posted a news story about the increasing population of bears in Oklahoma. The heat map is a good start but be aware if you are on a river bed you can encounter bears.

Mountain Lions and Big Cats

I for one am much more afraid of our mountain lion population in Oklahoma. They have been seen all over the state, even in semi populous areas like the South Canadian River south of Norman and north of Newcastle Oklahoma. I recently saw the carcass of a small mountain lion in the median of highway 62 a mile and a half north of the river. I emailed the Oklahoma Wildlife Department and it was gone the next day. The OWD has had a stance in the recent past the denied the existence of big cats in Oklahoma. It’s hard to deny when you hear one at night.

So if the ice storms, tornados, earthquakes, prairie fires, bears, and mountain lions don’t get you, feral hogs just might.

Don’t even get me started on Bigfoot!

To wrap up,

  • bear selfies are a “hard no”
  • take bear precautions when camping east of I35 and up near Black Mesa
  • while less likely to be encountered, mountain lions are out there and they will mangle you too
  • feral pigs have a mean streak a mile wide and there is no daily limit

I feel better that I have provided this very valuable public service announcement.

Thanks for reading and Happy Rovering

Among the Gourds and Gravel (Post #574) 7/3/2017

In all my 50+ plus years of living in Oklahoma I have never been to the top of Mount Scott. So this past weekend, I took off to see it. Mount Scott is located in the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge near Lawton, Oklahoma. It rises to 2,464 feet above sea level and towers over the surrounding area. There is a three-mile long road that takes you to the top.

Continue reading “Among the Gourds and Gravel (Post #574) 7/3/2017”

Bigfoot Talisman (Post #510) 8/30/2014


I saw this fused glass Bigfoot at the Midsummer’s Night Fair a couple of weeks ago.  I was there to see the Oh! Johnny Girls.


They were as awesome as I expected them to be. But the Bigfoot Talisman haunted me on the bicycle ride home. I told Mr. Fisher that it was imparitive that I get one for the Big White Bus.

So I checked with Mrs. Fisher who had very adepty stalked them and hooked me up with them on Facebook. I found out they were setting up at the Oklahoma City Arts Festival. I dragged Mrs. Okierover to the festival to pick up a fused glass Oklahoma necklace for her and my talisman.


They both look great and now when go down to Southeast Oklahoma to cruise the back roads like outlaws, we won’t have any trouble with Bigfoot due to the supreme mojo of the talisman.


I urge you to check out Jim Shelley’s work. I know you will see something you like. And if you want protection from Bigfoot while in the bush, this is the only place you can get a fused glass Bigfoot Talisman.

Thanks for reading and Happy Rovering.

Bad Luck and Animals (Post #355) 6/18/2013

 My oldest daughter has a terrible time with animals making homes out of her cars. When we lived in the Quanah Parker house a large rat made a nest out of the insulation and wiring in her Ford Escort. Previous to that our Pontiac LeMans had a rat living under the hood.

On Father’s Day she asked me to listen to her car. Something was making a noise when she turned on the air conditioner. It was an obvious fan problem.

She texted me today to tell me how much it cost to fix. We had a lively chat.

Thanks for reading, and Happy Rovering Rodent Free Driving.

The Great Google Donkey Controversy (Post #315) 1/18/2013

If you follow any weird and unusual news you’ve probably saw this story which is “going viral” as you read this.

It seems there is a controversy brewing that a Google Street View car ran over a donkey in Kweneng, Botswana. I personally don’t believe that happened. Donkey Fact: Donkeys take dirt baths.

What on earth does this have to do with Oklahoma or Land Rovers? Good question.

It’s a weak link, but we have donkeys in Oklahoma too. Bet you didn’t know that…hehehe, whatever.

Donkey Fact:

 If you want to protect your livestock from coyotes you put a donkey out there with them. This is evidence all over central Oklahoma.

One of my best friends lost their family donkey just a few months ago. He was most likely attacked by a cougar or perhaps less likely, a pack of coyotes or wild dogs. It’s only marginally less dangerous to live in Oklahoma than it is Sub-Saharan Africa. Once you hear one of these big cats at night, you’ll think twice about camping on the South Canadian River overnight.

The Land Rover connection is much easier.
The Google Street view car passes a Land Rover Defender just before it encounters the donkey in the road. The Defender is from Africa Insight. You can see Africa Insight’s Chairman Christopher Race driving one of their Defender 110’s pulling a Sankey trailer. I don’t know the good people at Africa Insight, I just know how to use Google.

If you backup from the donkey lying in the road with the Google Street View application, you will see the above Land Rover Defender pass as you proceed down the road. This is why I love Google Street View, candid images of every day happenings, frozen in time.

This is a link to the Google Streetview in question. You are free to navigate around and see the sights.

I also created this animated GIF for you to enjoy…yeah, I’m a full service website.

This page is dedicated to my friend Tom Pecore’s donkey, 
so named by his grandson Jace.
Cowboy was attacked by a cougar in rural Norman
and had to be put down last year.
“A gentle and sweet animal.” – Tom
Cowboy and Tom

Okay, let’s review. Two donkey facts. One Land Rover Defender. One family pet. One best friend. That’s a full post if I do say so myself.

Thanks for reading and hoping you have thousands of miles of donkey free contact in your Land Rover. Happy Rovering.