In December 2006, I got tired of not being able to see when I drive in the dark. So I upgraded the Range Rover’s headlights to Hellas. I also upgraded the bulbs in the Discovery. Sylvania H7ST 12V55W Silver Star were the recommended bulb by many, many sites on the intarwebs.
So I contacted Atlantic British and ordered the bulbs and head lamps. I have had many happy days of driving with both sets. My daughter RovErica even commented that she really liked the way it lit up the road in front of the Rangie. Even her Boyfriend 1.0, commented on how great the light was.
I also noticed how great the light was from the Disco and recommended the bulbs to my friends.
But then last month, I got in the Disco and fired up the head lamps and pop! That was it. The left front bulb died. I was kinda bummed. I told my wife about it and she said, “is there a warranty?” Gosh…I hadn’t thought of that. 9 months is a pretty short time when it comes to head lamps. Seems like forever when you are expecting a baby, or even better your first grandchild, but for a head lamp that is a short time.
I commented on the site and you have read on other sites, that Lucas didn’t intend for us to motor about after dark. I wrote somewhere also that in all the years I’ve owned cars I can only think of a few times where I lost a head lamp. Most of the time it was due to stones flying up while we were rat racing along back country gravel roads in Newcastle, Oklahoma in my youth.
So this week I called Atlantic British and asked them about the warranty of head lamps less than a year old. Les was my salesperson and he and I exchanged a couple of emails, which resulted in him saying, “normally NO they weren’t covered”, but he would check with a manager.
I thanked him for checking and he said they had already sent out the replacement.
How about that?!
Customer service is not dead. On the contrary its alive and well at Atlantic British.
Thanks goes out to Les and the good folks at Atlantic British for taking such good care of my Rovers all these years.