I was out checking on a transmission repair shop yesterday. I was driving around with the windows down and the sunroof open. When I got home I proceeded to close up the Range Rover.
Windows closed with no problem. I went to close the sunroof and got no response from the motor. I checked the fuse and it looked good.
I had to use the key to close the sunroof. It worked surprisingly well. If you don’t have your key a thick headed screwdriver will suffice. You just drop the access panel, insert key, and give it a spin.
On a completely different note, the dash clock failed. I was sure it was working this weekend. So it seems the spring will be the spring of electrical gremlins.
Looks like Saturday will be spent chasing errant electrons with my volt ohm meter. I also intend to check the electrical conductivity of the ABS sensors in a random attempt to find one “that is not like the other”. It is amazing to me that the things we learned from Sesame Street still apply as adults.