12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me…
12 inches of ground clearance.
Okay I confess, I don’t have twelve inches of ground clearance under my stock Range Rover Classic. But I did have 12 inches of snow to navigate through and that was given by my other true love, The Almighty.
You can see from the picture that this storm was not for the inadequate vehicles to the Land Rover’s right. We had drifts in some places up to five feet. You can see one in front of my neighbor’s house at the far left of this picture. There have been five or so notable weather events that I have been very pleased I bought and maintain a Land Rover for. Two of them came a month apart last year Christmas Eve 2009 and the January 2010 Icepocalypse that crippled the state for a week.
Thank you for reading and Merry Christmas and Happy Rovering everyone.