Snowpocalypse 2: Electric Boogaloo (Post #247) 2/7/2011

The good people at the are predicting another snow storm for late Tuesday and Wednesday this week. According to some local weather men on Sunday night we will get 6-12 inches of snow and high winds. Already on Monday morning that has been adjusted to 8-12 inches. According to weather people, who are not driven by local businesses selling furniture and cars a.k.a. fear mongering ad revenue whores, we are getting 3-6 inches of snow and some high winds.

According to another story on the Accuweather site we Okies should expect “light snow”.

One of our local television stations is today (Monday, February 7) predicting 8-12 inches of snow. Which in their minds is HEAVY SNOW (all caps, heavy typeface). This is channel KOCO (ABC affiliate), home of weatherman Mike “You are all going to die” Morgan. Scaring the elderly and people without cable TV is his JOB. Tune in tomorrow and I’ll tell you how a snow storm can murder you and all of your kin in a matter of seconds and if you have the technical savvy to do so, upload your really bad photos to our website so we can over hype this weather event EVEN MORE!!!111

None of it really matters anyway because we will have 40’s and 50’s over the weekend. But that won’t stop people from descending on the grocery stores and buying EVERYTHING IN SIGHT. I kid you not, as of noon on Sunday, there was not a single carton of eggs in any store in the entire OKC metro area. Seriously, sold out in every store. Most of this is due to the fear mongering weather men bent on getting people to tune in tomorrow for some more weather bad news. You see, bad news sells. No one watches the weather in San Diego…why? No bad news. Try baking a cake for your wife’s birthday after a snow storm in Oklahoma.

Now back to the title of this blog post and the term Electric Boogaloo. I have used it before but may not have explained it to you. Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo was one of the universally accepted worst sequels ever to be made. It is a phenomenon that is common in Hollywood. If a movie did well then we should whore it out for a sequel.

I’m sure I could have used Snowpocalyse 2: The Quickening. It would not be as well understood as Electric Boogaloo but serves the same point, only to a smaller audience of fans of the Highlander franchise.

I have knocked a few things loose underneath the BWB with all the driving on the bad roads. I am 90% sure I have destroyed the catalytic converters. They are rattling like crazy. I also have a brake caliper sticking on the left front. I know of at least one exhaust hanger weld broken loose. More things to check out if the weather improves in the coming weekend. Right after we check on my mom’s pipes to make sure they didn’t freeze.

Thanks for boogalooing reading and Happy Rovering.

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