I drove my wounded BWB to the reenactment this weekend. But only after buying about 70$(US) in fluids and maintenance items. She ran great.
The drive down was mostly uneventful. Well mechanically speaking. I-35 is in a terrible state. There were two cross overs for bridge repair and road maintenance. One of which closed my exit to highway 70. So I was forced to go five miles further south to the next exit. This was a nice detour. Scenic highway 77 (77S).
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It was a basic two lane road that went by Lake Murray. It was a wonderful windy stretch. The road and the beautiful weather made me wish I was in an Austin Healy 3000, or at least in the drop top Jaguar XK8, or whatever, that was in front of me through the windy bits.
Eventually it dumped out on to highway 70, which I took eastbound toward Fort Washita. After I stopped for an extremely over-priced bottle of Coca-Cola which tallied 1.75$(US) for a 16oz bottle, which in a normal store could have bought me at least 2 liters of Coke. But at the convenience store at the corner of 77s and hwy 70 it was the price for a 16oz. I shant be stopping there again.
So back on the road again it was getting on toward evening and the wildlife was out in force.
I witnessed:
- A buzzard eating an expired dog on the side of the road, wicked
- A deer drinking from a pond, surreal
- A rather pretty coyote with a very red coat (if it was a fox, it was a huge fox)
- And several hawks
As I pulled into the Fort I could hear the front end and she was making a sound that I’m sure I will have to investigate soon. Sort of a grinding CV joints need lube sound. Or at least that’s what I told myself. I got into the fort just as the sun set and by the time I got unloaded it was mostly dark.
I took the faithful BWB back to the parking area and let her rest for the weekend. She deserved it. Don’t she look great with that back drop!
I had a good evening conversing and having a few Boddington’s. I bedded down in the cabin with my friends. The evening respite was interrupted several times.
First was a very annoyed wasp banging against the single pane window in her vain attempt to escape the warmth of the cabin. Little did she know that it was below 40 degrees F outside. In any event she was very loud banging the glass.
The second was a strange vibe I was getting from outside the cabin. I got up to relieve bladder of several cans of beer. With the landscape lit up like daytime with a partial moon and clear sky the quiet night was interrupted by a murder of crows kawing and fussing at a hoot owl who was singing away.
In Native American lore all animals have some sort of meaning. Owls to the Cherokee are often witches depending on the type of owl. Crows and ravens have been associated with the Raven Mocker. Which is the most feared of all demons in Cherokee tradition, it had the power to consume a dying person’s soul in order to sustain its own life. To my friend’s tribe, the Pawnee, the are both bad medicine. So the night passed for us with a certain eeriness that was very unsettling.
Saturday passed with us talking to the public about the time period we were portraying (1820-1840 frontier fur trade) and the way of life of those peoples. We fired up some coals and started our dinner. Steak, sweet potatos, wild rice, cheese and wine.
It goes without saying that it was wonderful. Cody abandoned us for an alleged skirt. Between Matt and I five steaks is a bit much, but we were determined not to waste anything. We had our fill and spent the rest of the night sitting on the porch of the little cabin having some beers and enjoying the beautiful evening.
I packed up the Range Rover and prepared to make an early start to catch Easter services with my family. I got on the road as the early morning light was making its way up the sky.
You may remember I stopped int he same place last year and photographed my 2003 Land Rover Discovery (RIP). The rest of the drive home was a good as the drive down. I was pleased to see the Range Rover hasn’t lost any of its get up and go. I caught myself several times driving 90 mph as I passed trucks and dodged the chug holes and ravines that I-35 has in it these days.
I think with some front end work, the viscous coupling and the bushing project finished the BWB has another 10 years in her for sure.
I would encourage you to visit the historical sites in your state and support the people who volunteer to bring the past to life with their own brand of living history.
Thanks for reading and Happy Rovering.