Oxygen Sensor Replacement (Post #468) 3/18/2014

Its been a while since I installed new oxygen sensors. By my reckoning I installed them about five years ago. I didn’t take a mileage reading then but I can guess it was at least 25,000 miles ago. Oxygen sensors have a life cycle of about 25,000 to 50,000 miles.

New Oxygen Sensor

If you notice your gas mileage drop by at least 2 mpg you can guess it is your oxygen sensors. They don’t always fail and give you a code 43 or 44. Its part of your regular maintenance like plugs and wires.

A comparison of new and old sensors.

They make a special socket for removing the sensor. I don’t own one. A 17mm wrench works just as well. These can be trouble to remove due to the heat and rust associated with the exhaust system.

After you have the old out and are ready to install the new, be sure to use the copper lube in the kit. If you didn’t get the copper lube go buy some. This will help with keeping the sensors from seizing in the exhaust. Coat the threads liberally just to be safe. Plug them back in and enjoy the increased mileage.

Crimped on
Crimped and ready for heat shrink
Passenger side O2 sensor
Passenger side O2 sensor
Driver’s side O2 sensor
Passenger side, looking down from a top the engine
Driver's side looking down from the engine
Driver’s side, looking down from a top the engine

Keeping the leads away from the manifold is very important. The heat shield protects the wire from radiant heat but not from direct contact with the manifold. You can see I am using a zip tie to hold the lead away from the manifold on the driver’s side.

On the Difficulty Scale this job is a 2. If you have to solder the wires I would consider this job a 3. It was easy using the wire crimps that were sent with the kit. If you don’t want to splice your own buy the OEM replacements. I saved about 20$(US) each by doing my own splicing.

Thanks for Reading and Happy Rovering.

5 Replies to “Oxygen Sensor Replacement (Post #468) 3/18/2014”

  1. Eric
    I left for a little while as I ventured into P-38 territory but I am proud to say I am back with a beautiful 1992 SWB Classic. I resurrected her from a warehouse where she sat with 200k on the odometer and almost 3 years of dirt caked on top.
    “Old Blue” has one issue that I have had no luck with- the dreaded sunroof. The motor works, the cables are perfect. It looks like the plastic bits are my problem. Rail sliders and end caps. Have you had any issues like this or do you know someone that has these bits
    Thanks and grateful to be back

    1. Welcome back!
      My only sunroof issue came from a bad fusible link. Finding the parts you are describing is going to be nearly impossible not already attached to a sunroof. With that said I’d call Rover Cannibal or check with Paul Grant on eBay. I also follow LRBritishParts2 on eBay. He currently has a sunroof motor listed, perhaps he has the plastic bits too.
      Worst case scenario is you sourcing a new sunroof unit. Bolts in with 6 or 8 bolts, easy to swap. Or welding a panel over and going without.
      Tell those guys I sent you when you reach out to them.
      Best of luck and let me know how it went and how you solved this issue.

  2. Eric, what brand O2 sensor did you go with? Where did you get them? For some reason the picture of the box doesn’t link to a big version.


    (Kinda jealous of your maintenance marathon)

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